Special Eddy County Commission Meeting
Tuesday March 31, 2020 8:30am
In Attendace:
Chairman Ernie Carlson
Vice Chairman Steven McCutcheon
County Manager Allen Davis
Clerk Robin VanNatta
Commissioners: Susan Crockett, Larry Wood, Jon Henry
Legal Representation: Cass Tabor
Live Stream:
Red Rocket; Stephanie Ybaben
No public comments.
R-20-30 Declaration of State of Emergency by Allen Davis. Resolution to establish Emergency Policies and to make our county eligible for FEMA resources.
Commissioner Crocket: Important to be on top of this with FEMA
Commissioner McCutcheon: What is the hospitals preparation like? Allen has been in contact with the county hospitals and they could be overwhelmed in the event of an outbreak in the county. Emergency Manager has put orders in for PPE, the governor has gotten 25% of what she has asked for but for us to keep putting the orders in. The hospitals and cities in Eddy county are in constant contact with one another.
Commission Wood: Its need and is in favor.
Commissioner Henry: No comments.
Chairman Carlson: Expressed concerns of our ventilators being taken if the need arises in another county.
Allen: the governor has said that if she was aware of that happening significant penalties would be associated with that. They feel that things are under control at the current pace. We are as prepared as can be at this point. They are working to stay on top of communication.
Motion by McCutcheon to approve R-20-30. Second by Crocket. All commisioners approve.
R-20-31 Resolution to provide temporary authority to sign routine and budgeted items on behalf of the Chairman Carlson. April 7th meeting is cancelled and the next meeting is scheduled for April 21st.
Motion by McCutcheon to approve R-20-31. Second by Henry. All commissioners approve.
Department Updates:
Allen Davis- The county is trying to keep everyone updated. County offices are restricting public access. We are conducting business while adhering to the state orders for social distancing and essential businesses. The clerk's office, treasurer's office, and county assessors offices are working electronically and over the phone. Information is being added to an electronic database. They are working face to face on an as needed urgent basis. The county assessor's office is working by appointment only. The notice of property valuation has gone out, the time to appeal or get an exemption is 30 days. The second installment of Property taxes have gone out. They are due April 10 and the delinquency period is 30 days after that. The treasurer's office is one customer at a time. Those who can are working from home. Public works is continuing to maintain roads, the Sheriff's department is still working, the detention center is working regular hours and their infectious prevention policy is in place. The county is open but restricted and limited.
County manager is in daily contact with the emergency manager, mayors Janway and Miller, and Mr. Victor Reyes who is point of contact for the governor's office and reporting positive cases in our county.
Crocket: thanks the county manager and emergency for getting the information out to the public. If this gets worse are we looking at any hazard pay for first responders and health care workers?
Davis: has not seen this come up but can put it out there and see what others may consider.
McCutcheon: also thanks the county manager for communication.
Wood: also thanks the county manager, first responders, and the warden as well.
Henry: appreciates the hard work of the county offices and the county manager.
Carlson thank you county manager for keeping in contact with the commissioners. He asks that we share information of recovery. Share the good news as well as the bad news. Not everyone is terminal.
Davis: agrees and has asked the DOH for that information. What is the process of closing the loop? There have been many recoveries and symptoms vary for those who contract the virus and we will work to get that information from the state.
Carlson: we have the best and brightest scientists in the country working on a vaccination and meds to fight this and this will be conquered sooner than later and would like to share some of the good news.
Davis: We try to put info out that doesn't cause anxiety. Causes and concerns are taken seriously.
Motion to adjourn by McCutcheon. Second by Larry Wood. All commissioners approve.
Video link of the Livestream: