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Jonah's House


Jonah's House Food Pantry at 512 W. Stevens St. looks like just another house.  For nearly

a third of a century, they've been helping people meet their families' nutritional needs.  

It began as mooched and shoehorned office space pooled by St. Edward's and First United Methodist Churches.  They saw community members who hungered.

Both need and local support grew over time.  The Food Pantry moved to a space in the current St. Edward's parish hall.  

Thereafter via a loan from Carlsbad Foundation, a house on the current lot was bought and gutted.  But its uneven floor endangered volunteers.  The incorporated nonprofit's board sought help from a contractor who wishes to remain anonymous.

Can you fix our floor? / Why not tear down and replace? / We can't afford the expense. / What expense?  It's on me!

In May 2014 down went the old.  By August up-&-running was the new, Jonah's whale of a space from which to dispense food.

Jonah's House is staffed by volunteers and funded by donations -- checks small and big from local angels.

Food donations arrive from Albertsons, La Tienda, and Starbucks.  Local individuals drop by with canned goods, cereal boxes (a very costly staple!), even bags of potatoes.

Once per month a recipient may be given bags containing tomatoes, beans, rice, sugar, fruit, juice, and perhaps eggs and meat -- as available.  

Without regard to a person's language, ethnicity, gender, age, status, or residence -- monetarily straitened, elderly, homeless, children and parents or caretakers, or households in crisis may partake.  Needy residents of Carlsbad and Eddy County are welcome.

The board, volunteers, and benefactors of Jonah's House offer food to be cooked at home.  They seek to promote security, family health, and social cohesion in our community.

Jonah's House is open weekly 9-11 a.m., Monday through Friday.  Folks are friendly.  The mood itself nourishes.

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