Every president of the United States since 1981 has shown a commitment to stopping impaireddrivingbyproclaimingDecemberasNationalDrunkandDruggedDrivingPrevention Month. Every day, lives are shattered and lost on our Nation's roadways as a result of I'm paired driving. Two of the most celebrated dates in December -Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve-are among the most dangerous. Therefore, the Eddy County DWI Program is reminding you to Be the One to Celebrate safely this holiday season.TheDWIProgramreaffirmsourcommitmenttopreventingtragediesfromimpaireddrivingby raisingawarenessoftheimportancetoactresponsibly.Planahead,designateasoberdriver, and arrange for a safe ride home. DWI is a Crime, It is the Law,andItisEnforced!Impaireddriversrecklesslyputothersandthemselvesatrisk.Thisholidayseason,andevery day, we urge all those in Eddy County to choose wisely, act responsibility, drive sober and implore friends and loved ones not to get behind the wheelimpaired.Werememberthevictimsofimpaireddriving,prayforthegrievingfamiliesofthosewholives have been taken, and honor the law enforcement professionals who work to keep our roads safe and who are on the front lines of DWI, this violent, prevent able crime. We want everyone in Eddy County to know that innocent drivers, passengers, cyclists, and pedestrians are endangered when impaired individuals get behind the wheel. We can and mustpreventthissenselesslossoflifeandproperty.Thepaincausedbyoneperson'schoice to drive impaired is often permanent.
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