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DIY Face Mask


Updated: Apr 8, 2020

"How to Make a Dust Mask out o

f a T-Shirt" entitles a 2-minute YouTube video.  Viewers might sprout into tailors.  Do-it-yourselfers and clever kids can transform cast-off T-shirts into handcrafted dust masks.

Boot up and watch the video.  You'll make a beeline to rag-bin, retrieve an old T-shirt, then reach for the scissors.  

    The video guide uses scissors only.  But his mask seems a use-&-toss quick fix.  With a tad more planning and stitching, you can make your dust masks reusable.


Folks with higher skills and sewing machines might knock out scrap-T dust masks in mere minutes.  Admittedly meticulous, I needed two hours to craft two sturdy, washable, reusable masks.  Needle-&-thread sufficed, plus tape-measure, Sharpie, pins, and scissors.

    Why wear a face mask in public?  Secondarily, the mask protects you from potential sneeze and cough droplets infectiously issued from other folks.  

    But primarily, you'll be less likely to cough or sneeze in the faces of others.  Grocery checkout clerks could breathe easier all day long if they encountered only masked customers.

    Parents with cooped-up antsy children and adolescents, take note.  Begin with simple kid-made masks.  When your child builds a needle-&-thread knack, creativity may ensue.  

    Handicrafts set a healthy trend.  Masks are the new accessory.  Let each person fashion half-a-dozen.  By stitching, you'll wield a super-power!

Link to the video below:

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